wandering soul
Posts: 3
Joined: Jun 2013
Im an adult with no special diagnosis since young. However, i do realized that i have sensory issues that are of concern since young. For instance, i cannot stand the sight of fruits such as blueberries and raspberries or things with scales or polka dots and furs. all these things will cause me to have massive goosebumps on my face and if i were to accidentally touch them, the gooosebumps will spread all over my body. this will usually last less than 5 minutes but will continue to happen each time i see or touch.. any suggestions how to overcome these?
06-17-2013, 01:45 AM |
Posts: 261
Joined: Apr 2010
Hi there wandering soul. Welcome to SPD Support.
I'm glad you found the place. What you are describing does sound like it could very easily be SPD related. Do you think it's the sight of these things or the feel (tactile/touch) that bugs you more? If it's the touch issue, then a good approach might be through something like the Wilbarger brushing protocol with joint compressions. Either way though, I think talking to an occupational therapist might help steer you in the right direction.
I must say though, with that as your only symptom, it's a bit specific for a full-blown SPD diagnosis. I am curious, are there any other symptoms that seem to fit you? How about issues with being touched gently? How about issues with tags or bands in your clothing? Just want to get a better idea of what could be going on.
Anyhow, welcome again. I hope you get what you need to get out of this place.
Hi, welcome to SPD Support! Have a free cyber hug!
06-18-2013, 07:53 PM |
wandering soul
Posts: 3
Joined: Jun 2013
Hi Dan! Thanks for your reply.. =>
here are some answers to your questions. hope they provide a better insight.. working with special kids now gave me a better insight but a whole load of questions about myself.
I do think that the sight of these bugs me more compared to the touch as i will have goosebumps even when just picturing them in mind. Also the goosebumps are triggered at the very sight of these..
as for clothing tags, yes. they irritates hence i will always remove them before wearing. Woolen and knitted clothes also irritates and makes my skin super itchy...
touches... i dont have any issues with light or firm touches. i dont mind being touched or touching others.
i hate crowds and loud musics. prefering quiet places. dont take routine changes well. will get super frustrated when pre-made plans are changed at the last minute but am able to change my own plans at the last minute. can be rather fickle minded at times.
my parents confirmed that i wasn't diagnosed with any special classification since young. ive also highlighted my issues to a few child occupational therapists im working with and they've concluded that i might have SPD. however, i do doubt that there are any adult therapist in my country...
looking forward to your reply ...
=) many thanks in advance =)
06-23-2013, 05:25 AM |
Posts: 261
Joined: Apr 2010
You are welcome, wandering soul.
(06-23-2013, 05:25 AM)wandering soul Wrote: I do think that the sight of these bugs me more compared to the touch as i will have goosebumps even when just picturing them in mind. Also the goosebumps are triggered at the very sight of these..
as for clothing tags, yes. they irritates hence i will always remove them before wearing. Woolen and knitted clothes also irritates and makes my skin super itchy...
touches... i dont have any issues with light or firm touches. i dont mind being touched or touching others.
i hate crowds and loud musics. prefering quiet places. dont take routine changes well. will get super frustrated when pre-made plans are changed at the last minute but am able to change my own plans at the last minute. can be rather fickle minded at times. Yeah, I would say that definitely sounds like SPD to me. Maybe not a particularly major case of it, but I would say it probably impacts you enough to warrant a diagnosis.
When it comes to the sight versus touch issue, well, if you always have a bad sensory reaction when you touch a certain object, it makes sense that even the sight or thought of it could lead to having the same reaction. It's called classical conditioning, and it's there to help protect you from things your nervous system believes to be threatening. Whatever it is about these things, your body believes they are dangerous, so touching, looking at, or thinking about them could easily trigger the same feeling through memory.
Of course, it could also be the sight of them really does irritate you unrelated to the touch, but I get the feeling this is probably more of a touch issue in particular. I think the wilbarger brushing and deep pressure protocol could be useful and helpful for you. You don't even have to have a diagnosis of SPD for it to possibly help a person. You do, however, want to speak to an OT who is trained to do and teach it that can show you how.
Finding and OT might be difficult where you are. I don't really know where you live, after all. I hope that one of the OTs who you work around will be willing to give it a try and talk to you about this stuff. A lot of what works for kids can work for adults, too. It does sound like you have a cool work environment, though.
Hi, welcome to SPD Support! Have a free cyber hug!
06-23-2013, 09:01 PM |
wandering soul
Posts: 3
Joined: Jun 2013
RE: Help me pls?
Hi Dan!
thanks for your reply. appreciate it loads. =>
im living in Singapore... kids OT are available but adults OT... ermm.. never heard of it.. however, im sure its gonna be super costly given that a normal PT cost about $30 for a 15 minute session..
Okies. will try to talk to the OTs to get more advice from them and will try out as suggested. oh btw.. im teaching academic subjects in a school for special need kids hence the queries. yupz.. its super cool =>
" being disabled doesn't mean that i'm unable. "
thanks once again =>
06-25-2013, 10:46 AM |
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