Hello, figured I'd introduce myself
Hi, I've been looking around the site for a couple of days and I figured I would join. First thing, I'm not 100% sure that I have SPD, it was what the psychologist at my school was leaning towards when I ran out of free sessions (we get two before we have to pay and I can't since I'm on my parent's insurance) and it makes the most sense in regards to my symptoms.
Basically I've always had the symptoms, and when I was younger my teachers asked my parents to get me tested for autism and ADD because I suppose I acted strange to them. For one I really liked to just be by myself rather than other students. The main reason though, was probably that I freaked out if anyone touched me. Anyway, I've never been diagnosed with either of those, since my parents think psychology is garbage, and that people with any sort of mental issues should be locked up and kept off the streets, and that I couldn't have any since I was their kid and they're normal.
Most of my symptoms match perfectly with a diagnosis of Asperger's, which I might also have, but I've never been diagnosed with, such as my issues with needing to wear specific clothing and aversion to noises, which may be SPD instead or both, I have no idea. Anyway, according to the psychologist the main thing that suggested SPD was my problem with textures. I can't eat eggs, yogurt, soft breads, or certain vegetables cooked without gagging on them (and it's got nothing to do with taste because I used to love yogurt), and I can't touch glass, paper, chalk, dirt, or wear latex gloves without my hands and mouth going completely dry. I can't stand it when my hands are dry, I can't really focus on anything else until I do something about it. The aversion to touch has gotten worse as time has gone by, I never liked being touched, but now I tense up if anyone so much as taps me on the shoulder. Additionally though, I have a problem with touching pretty much anything. If I bump into something it feels off and I have to rub or even scratch the area to make the feeling go away. Even walking or just sitting it bothers me that something's touching me. I'm fine with laying in bed though, thankfully.
Anyway, I don't really have any money for OT and I was wondering if anyone had anything that they do that reduces their symptoms? Mine have gotten a whole lot worse over the past couple years and this summer they've gotten to an unbearable level. I think it might be a stress thing, and there's nothing I can do about it until I move out of my parent's house in late September.
Enough about that, my hobbies are hanging out with my friends, playing video games, and reading (which sucks because of my problem with paper). In my spare time I like to write, though I'm not very good and I would never share it with anyone I find it fun.
So anyway, I figured I'd sign up and try and meet other people dealing with the same sort of things.