Yay!!! Welcome aboard!

So glad you decided to set up an account and introduce yourself here!
You were the first person in the SPD community to ever email me! Now that very same Yahoo account has 10 different folders all dedicated to SPD related emails, lol. I can't stop them anymore! *Ducks and hides!* (But I can't hide for long because I love getting them and replying to them.)
(06-11-2010, 02:41 PM)spockmonkey Wrote: I have been on the yahoo group spdadultshare for a while. Dan is awesome. I want to support this forum. I'll mainly read it through my google reader. If you send a PM, I'll get notified.
Yeah... (blush)... thanks, lol. Thanks for hopping in to help support the place. We need more like you

Quote:I'm in my 30s, and my diagnosis stuff happened officially in 2009.
Just to clarify this to others, you were diagnosed 'officially' then, but you knew you had it for a couple years before then. This is especially true because we were on SHARE together back in early '08.
Quote:I have a pet theory that autism spectrum involves primarily a sensory integration problem that affects development more or less severely. I have other pet theories.
Good theory

. Although I have to support the theory that it is a separate diagnosis for now (only way it's gonna get in the DSM, after all), I do believe there is a very strong link between the two. Is it strong enough to say that ASD is, for sure, a very severe form of SPD? It's possible, but we just don't know for sure yet...
Quote:people are mean and cruel and argumentative and I don't like the internet because there are so many trolls and beligerent people who think they know everything.
Not on my board!!!!!
I've had to kick people from the Yahoo groups for stuff like that before (not too common fortunately), but on this new site, I have a new and shiny banhammer. I'm not afraid to use it

Trolling, being a jerk, flaming, telling people you know better... all grounds for swift action on my part. I'm not out to ban people, but I do want to keep this place as clean as possible. Please, if anyone ever finds this crap on my site and I don't seem to have noticed it, let me know, okay?
Quote:I was diagnosed by an audiologist as having Central Auditory Processing Disorder.
A-ha! CAPD! I forgot about that... or didn't hear about it. Either way, sorry to hear about that struggle, but glad you got the diagnosis. I think CAPD diagnoses are very common in SPD/ASD cases. It's a thin line between CAPD and plain SPD auditory processing issues, so it's likely CAPD is just a more severe form of it. Again, something to know later that we don't know just yet.
Quote:For instance, in one dimension I was in the 5th percentile and in another, 16th, whereas other measures placed me at the 99th percentile. This means that in certain areas of auditory processing, I am very challenged.
Key signs of disorder... unexpectedly low performance in some areas when compared to others. I had my own abilities tested (learning wise) about 9 months ago, and they revealed scores that fluctuated from 16% (visual coding) to 99.7% (writing). So, I got an LD-NOS label out of that, heh.
Quote:I have a weighted blanket, and I love it.
I need a weighted blanket, and I would love it.
Well spockmonkey, I'm sorry to hear about your depression issues of late. I know this is not a new struggle. Not to you... not to most of us SPD adults. I just hope you are taking good care of yourself, as you usually do; and it seems you are, so I'm glad

. Are you seeing a therapist of any sort? I'm just forgetting at the moment.
Well, again, welcome to SPD International. I hope you enjoy your time here, be it posting, reading, or whatever. Stay in touch and take good care of yourself

Oh, and btw: I loved the explanation of your username too, lol. It's a cool name and avatar you've got there. I'm also a bit of a spock fan myself, though unofficially.
So... "live long and prosper." </cheesyquote>