Posts: 261
Joined: Apr 2010
i kno this is stupid but do you have to hate sand to have spd?
This was a thread created by zephalien, and I want to restart it now here. I accidentally deleted it while trying to clean up a lot of spam that had been posted to the forums at the same time. Gudetema had provided a response, and I'm afraid that was also lost. My apologies to everyone for this major inconvenience.
Welcome to the site, zephalien! Please feel free to continue the conversation even though I'm a dink
As for the topic at hand, no you definitely do not need to hate sand to have SPD. Difficulty with sand is just one way in which a part of SPD (known as tactile defensiveness) can present itself. SPD, or at least the over-responsive part of it, is about having everyday sensations as triggering to you. To 'qualify' for the diagnosis, it's not about what triggers you, but rather that there are many things that do. Of course, that's just the over-reactive side of SPD. SPD has under-responsive and sensory-seeking sides as well, though you don't have to have all of them to qualify for the diagnosis either, hah.
Hope that helps, and again, apologies for the big mistake on my part!
Hi, welcome to SPD Support! Have a free cyber hug!
04-04-2019, 08:32 AM |
Posts: 1
Joined: Feb 2019
RE: i kno this is stupid but do you have to hate sand to have spd?
I was trying to figure out what happened. Thank you for attempting to remedy a mistake. And thank you for the response. The distinction about the different kinds is very helpful.
04-04-2019, 01:02 PM |
Seriously, I can't...
Posts: 54
Joined: Jan 2018
RE: i kno this is stupid but do you have to hate sand to have spd?
lol My basic reply was that SPD is meant to help you understand things better, it's not a, you have to fit this exactly or you're out of the SPD club. Everyone has sensory issues that are different this is meant as a tool to help you understand yourself better and be more kind when you're having a meltdown. That and be careful on the beach because there's glass and make sure that campfires aren't allowed or you can get your feet burned. That's why campfires on beaches in Hawaii are banned, too many kids got hurt because someone just threw sand on their fires thinking that that was enough. So just be careful. <3
04-05-2019, 05:37 AM |