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That school does not seem like a good fit for your daughter if they're not willing to accommodate her needs. I hope they'll be willing to make changes once the eval is done. I think ours took 5-6 weeks to be completed, ~15 pages long.
Have you tried looking for an IEP advocate in your area? If you can get an IEP set up, then by law, they have to follow it. Of course, might need to wait for the eval to be done.
I feel so lucky to be in our school. They've been the ones coming to me, saying they want to add more resources or finding new ways to help my son learn and succeed in school. I haven't had to push them for anything.
Please let us know how things are going and when you get the completed evaluation!
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
08-03-2011, 08:29 PM |
Posts: 26
Joined: Aug 2011
Thanks I will look into and IEP advocate someone told me to use something called Spann, which can at least tell me my rights. What makes it so confusing for me is that it is a charter school and it is small only 1 class per grade... I will definitely let you know when I get eval.. OMG 15 pages long whew... this whole thing is a little overwhelming but in a weird way I am happy to finally say this fits my daughter and I am not crazy or a bad parent and she is not spoiled or misbehaved.. I also am sooooooo hurt inside to think that for 6 years of her life she has suffered in a way.. Lot of guilt there but I really did not know. The school will have battle of their lives because those feelings are going to push me to get what she needs no matter what. She will not have another year like the ones before...I will pull her out and homeschool before that happens. I am glad I found this website, can't talk to my friends this way they just nod and sort of give me that wow pity kind of look... ahhhhhhh What I am trying to say is Thank you ladies for even commenting. Really helps.
08-03-2011, 11:25 PM |
Posts: 277
Joined: Dec 2010
I have that same guilt. My son wasn't diagnosed until 6 1/2, in 1st grade. Before he started school, I just thought he was shy and had some quirks. It wasn't until his kindergarten teacher showed concerns that it was brought to our attention. They started helping him right away even without a diagnosis. Then it was halfway through 1st grade that we got the official diagnosis.
I really hope her school will start working with you to get the resources she needs to succeed in school. I wrote more about my son's IEP in the School Discussion section of the general discussion area.
Someone else had told me about another website about your rights. I'll try to find it and post it here for you.
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
08-04-2011, 12:03 PM |
Posts: 26
Joined: Aug 2011
It is horrible because they depend on us to take care of them and I feel like I dropped the ball, always knowing something is off but never even having a clue about this disorder. I will check to see if I can read about your experience. I did not know they had a school section. Still feeling my way around the site. I brought the out of sync child to start reading more on it. It is amazing all the things we take for granted. I asked my daughter today why does she move so much in her chair at school.. She said because it feels bumpy... well there you go.. I never thought to ask her before. Thanks for help Lynne
08-04-2011, 06:20 PM |
Posts: 342
Joined: Jun 2010
I don't know a 6 year old that doesn't need to fidget. I couldn't have survived my classes without all my fidgetting habits. I always thought that some kids who were constantly bouncing in and out of their seats needed a more interactive learning center where they could learn while walking around the room or sit in a chair when they got tired.
I was always a low energy child, so beyond the hand fidgetting and gum chewing I was a mostly "model" student. It still horrifies me when I hear of a school where gum is banned. Without the gum I would have slept through all my classes.
08-09-2011, 02:45 PM |
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"I am glad I found this website, can't talk to my friends this way they just nod and sort of give me that wow pity kind of look... ahhhhhhh What I am trying to say is Thank you ladies for even commenting. Really helps. "
You just summed up exactly how I feel right now!!!
This site has been so helpful not only in knowing that there are other people out there going through the same things, but that there are so many committed parents and individual personally living through this that are so willing to help those of us just beginning our journeys!
08-10-2011, 02:30 AM |
Posts: 26
Joined: Aug 2011
Beck you made me laugh... I think I relied on gum too to get me through some really boring classes... It is crazy this school wants kids to conform and it is really not realistic I would be in trouble all the time if I was in this school that is why I never made a big deal when Kay told me she got in trouble. I roll my eyes and just like honey don't worry you did nothing wrong...
ddpspd Yes it is refreshing to see other parents dealing with these challenges and so willing to point others in right direction I really had no idea what to do until I was here... I got my prescription for therapy from doc..(went through hell for it long crazy story) Sent my request for 504 for school and have been reading a lot and found a lot of helpful sites.. but it has all been from info that I read here. So thank you all for being so supportive I hope to be able to do the same once I figure out how to manage all of this better!
08-13-2011, 03:19 PM |