Posts: 26
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Starting my Journey
Hi my nickname is Lala (no relation to teletubbie LOL)
I am just starting my journey learning about spd and all that it entails. My 6 year old little girl might have this.. I am leaning more to she has it and I am waiting for the confirmation. We did and evaluation in June still have not got the results yet. It has been very tough and amazing during the years seeing all these little quirks and unique things she does but not truly understanding anything. It has been really hard for her in school and this is why I ultimately wanted her evaluated. Gearing up for a battle in September. I am really scared and nervous about how they will handle things. Trying to read up on everything so I can be prepared. On the flip side not only does she possibly have spd she is highly intelligent. I know most parents think this of thier kids but this little girl is off the charts and we also have to figure out how to handle that side of her as well. She will be going to 1st grade she really should be somwhere in 3rd or 4th so reading on my rights and options with that too.. I am exhausted and drained most days. Other parents don't understand and can't relate. She has been labeled before as spoiled, dramatic, inconsiderate...etc and I can never get people to wrap their minds around that just because she is smart does not mean that she does not have challenges... Either way I am thankful to places and websites like this. It is really helpful and I am looking forward to finding people who can relate. Can't wait to learn from all of you and hopefully I can help in some way too.
Did I write too much LOL
Thanks Lala
08-03-2011, 10:14 AM |
Posts: 163
Joined: Nov 2010
Hello and welcome!! Although it is hard for people to understand, SPD and giftedness often go hand in had. We hard a hard time getting a diagnosis for our oldest daughter because of similar reasons, people were so impressed and distracted by her cognitive abilities they had a hard time looking past them.
08-03-2011, 12:24 PM |
Posts: 26
Joined: Aug 2011
Exactly Angela it is like a blessing and curse at the same time. I truly believe if she was not so advanced they would take her and me more seriously. The school actually called the OT that they use and the one I am using for evaluation and said nothing is wrong with her she just has behavior issues.. which is so wrong... It is a very strict school. they get sent out of class for fidgeting, or tapping pencils.. (sort of ridiculous) but she got in trouble alot for silly things like this which of course led to meltdowns... I am really angry about this because I feel like I failed her and they did too because nobody questioned what if there is something else going on.... I have been waiting a month for eval still not done I am so impatient because I feel like I am really going to have a fight on my hands.
Thanks for letting me know that I not alone in this Angela
08-03-2011, 01:59 PM |
Posts: 163
Joined: Nov 2010
Wow, I was a first grade teacher for five years and sending kids out for tapping pencils and fidgeting is really over the top. That seems like a very oppressive environment to be learning in. Is it the school or the teacher with these policies? Is a change in her educational setting a possibility? Who is doing the eval the school or a private team?
08-03-2011, 04:51 PM |
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It is the school. It is a charter school but it is so strict. It is known for being one of the best but I really think they are a little nuts. You can go into the school at any time and it is completely quiet... It is a private team but she does go to the school to do OT for other students. She too said that the enviornment for my daughter is not the best because she needs to be able to move and relax but you get in trouble for that in the school. Looking into changing schools but I live in an area where the schools are not the greatest. Not so much the teachers but the kids... So it is hard very hard. I am hoping that the school she is at will work with me but I am scared that they are all talk and no real action. Like I said they actually told the OT that nothing is wrong with her but then called me and said that they are supporting me and think I am making a good decision to take her to be evaluated LOL.... makes me angry just thinking about it.
08-03-2011, 05:47 PM |
Posts: 163
Joined: Nov 2010
Are there any Waldorf Schools in your area? Waldorf is very sensory based - art, nature, rhythm based, very good for sensory integration.
We home school but I know that's not practical for everyone.
08-03-2011, 06:10 PM |
Posts: 26
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Never heard of Waldorf school will try to check.. Actually Homeschool is an option for me, thought I would have to do it because of her levels but she is so social I wanted her to be able to go to school with friends It is so tough I am hoping against hope that this school works but have a very uneasy feeling... This is very scary because I have nothing in hand yet hoping eval will be written up in time.
08-03-2011, 08:05 PM |
Posts: 163
Joined: Nov 2010
I really hope the school works too, I don't want to discourage you, maybe once they see the evaluation they'll work with you better. Let me know if you ever want to chat about homeschooling. We have a great homeschool group and I think my DD gets at least as much social time as she would in school, it's just in bigger blocks throughout the week rather than 5-15 minutes blocks throughout the day.
08-03-2011, 08:11 PM |
Posts: 26
Joined: Aug 2011
 Only one school in my state and it is faaaaaaaaar away will look into their program for home though... Have to check all my options. Thanks Angela
08-03-2011, 08:11 PM |