Hi Broper. Welcome to SPD International
*Hugs the friendly face*
(06-06-2010, 05:54 PM)Broper Wrote: Hi! I am the mother of a 7 year old son who was diagnosed with SPD 1.5 years ago. I am a member of a Yahoo group that Dan was on and am looking forward to a more personal way of communicating with others who understand SPD!
Glad to see you've made it over

Now, for an embarrassing moment for me, lol. What was your user name over there? There are more than 3,000 accounts on SID-DSI AllAboutKids (assuming that's the one you came from), so I know several different people with stories similar to yours. I know, this is terrible, isn't it? Well, I probably know you, and will likely 'facepalm' when you tell me who you are, but I'm really not sure, lol.
Quote: I am interested in hearing from others who think they may have dealtwith this as children and didn't know it or people whose spouses also have SPD.
This is one focus to this site. I am trying to create a site that will appeal to younger audiences, and male audiences in particular, two demographics that are often overlooked in the SPD world. This should, hopefully, bring in young adults and even teenagers who are suffering from SPD, many of whom will have likely just found out about it. I also know several people who are married to SPDers, and I'm hoping they make it over here too

Quote:Another interest I have is how to deal with sibling stuff especially since my SPD son is picking up on the fact that his younger sibling is diffferent than he is and feels that she will out do him.
Ah, this. Well, as a guy who grew up with SPD, and who had 2 older and one younger sibling, I'm well aware of the issues that can come between siblings when one has SPD and the other doesn't. The goal, I would say, would be to find at least one area in which your son excels above his sister in many ways. Focus on his abilities, and hone in on that.
He's going to see his little sister succeeding in ways that he simply couldn't have, especially at that age. Will she outshine him in areas? Sure. Will he get disappointed about this? Probably, it seems logical enough. Is that the end of things though? Does he have to see her as his superior? Absolutely not.
I can't count all the times when my siblings have out shined me. When even my younger brother became more capable at several things that I was; when my older siblings started having boyfriends/girlfriends, when I didn't even have friends, let alone more intimate relationships. Well, these things all got me pretty darn depressed, true. However, I remind myself that, even though I haven't succeeded in all the ways my siblings have, I *have* succeeded in many other areas. If I focus on those positives, it helps to deflate the negatives.
I hope you guys get through this well. Hang in there! It's a tough journey, and a long battle, but it leads to great things, at the end of the day. Just remember that we'll be here for you

Hope you enjoy your time here. Anything else you like to talk about beyond the SPD topic? This will be a social site, after all, where you can share whatever interests you have. Take care, and again, welcome to SPD International
