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Alivia Joy 5 years old SPD
Hello All,
My name is Amber Im mom to 5 year old Alivia who I strongly believe has SPD. as do LD teachers who have observed her, and an OT specializing in SPD. I have taken Alivia to a countless number of specialist, therapist, and begged for the help of the school child study team for the past year. This September Alivia entered kindergarten. The first week of school her teacher began sending home notes about Alivia's inability to perform on the required level for kindergarten. Keep in mind that last year her pre~k teacher also expressed concerns to myself as well as the child study team, where a 504 was recommended and out into place 2 days before the last day of school. This year with a minimal 504 in place that her pre~k teacher and I out together. ( either of us having knowledge on just what would work ) I thought things may go better. I THOUGHT WRONG ! Her teacher described the 504 as completely ineffective and pushed for an eval as did I. We have had 2 I and RS meets and 1 ID meeting as of today.....still NOTHING. A member of the child study team told me and I quote " we are not here to help your daughter, her problems have nothing to do with the child study team " and that they did not feel an eval. was necessary. They told me that all of Alivia issues could be addressed with a revamp of her 504plan. I was given no suggestions and left to figure it out as they shifted blame now to the 504 team. Im sure you all can somewhat understand my frustrations at this point. Tomorrow I will go into to yet ANOTHER meeting where I was given a heads up as to what may go down...they are now saying the board will not approve an aide for my daughter !!!!! IM AT MY WITS END ~~~~ TALK ME DOWN ! any suggestions would be greatly appreciate !!
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2010, 10:17 PM by Sila.)
12-01-2010, 03:48 PM |
Posts: 163
Joined: Nov 2010
RE: Alivia Joy 5 years old SPD
I am so sorry for your frustrations. I used to be a public school teacher and I remember being so frustrated from the other side of not being able to just help kids! Instead they have to fit into a particular little box somewhere or else go on through school for a long time until they get really far behind.
It differs from state to state, but in some states, if you can get a medical diagnosis using a developmental pediatrician or maybe even an OT then you can use that to request services. Also, you always have the right to appeal the decisions made in an IEP meeting.
Homeschooling is a popular options too if that is something that is an option for you. We have a wonderful homeschool group my DD has at least as many friends and play dates as she would if she were enrolled in school.
12-01-2010, 11:01 PM |
Posts: 2
Joined: Dec 2010
RE: Alivia Joy 5 years old SPD
Thank You so much for your input. My daughter's teacher is VERY frustrated as well. She sees that there is a problem and tries to hard to get Alivia help but her hands are tied. I have another meeting tomorrow that Im VERY nervous about, so your encouragement is so deeply appreciated. I feel like Im left to figure this all out on my own. From what I understand they are trying to pass it so that SPD can be considered a learning disability. Its just that every Dr I take her to tells me something different with the latest developmental pediatrician telling me he thinks she has ADHD the inattentive type and @ 5 years old is already talking about meds !! Ive taken her to a pediatric neurologist that suggested medical day care, her own pediatrician says she will grow out of it , one OT who thought it was visual tracking problems, another OT who says its clearly sensory integration issue. I have bought every book I can find on these issues and try to educate myself but I have become completely overwhelmed and a bit obsessive about it...IT CONSUMES ME, and I have 3 pother children that need me. Im sure things will eventually work out..but right now I feel helpless. Im really do think its sensory integration/sensory processing and who knows her best !! Thats what I keep trying to tell the schools team, but they shut me down every time.
12-01-2010, 11:22 PM |
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RE: Alivia Joy 5 years old SPD
(Btw sorry for the edit, you had random format/color code tags so I removed those for you.)
I wish I knew how to help, other than suggesting you go to her pediatrician and asking for a referral to an OT, if you can a private one (so I've heard) is sometimes better.
Often other problems surround SPD- such as processing disorders, motor delays, and sometimes it's seen with spectrum disorders (Autism, aspergers, etc). If you can't get help via an SPD diagnosis, seek out and see if she fits the critera for any other. You say she has multiple learning delays, I'm sure that, although SPD isn't recognized in the DSM and therefore not supported by IEPs and such as much, other delays and problems will be supported.
I wish you the best though, and if you want some suggestions for home-help, like coping ideas etc, then by all means just ask :3
<Mako>I see one sila caring loving girl whos a lil shy + scared on the inside but has a giant heart ^-^

Highly suspected/Being evaluated for: ADHD & Autism.
Also have SPD, GAD, and an annoying speech impediment.
12-02-2010, 06:00 AM |
Posts: 163
Joined: Nov 2010
RE: Alivia Joy 5 years old SPD
I've never really known a child with developmental problems to have just a single issue. It's possible that both OT's are right and maybe the developmental pedi as well. Have the OT's done any therapy with her? Any outside evaluations you get, you should request a writeup on and it should be copied for her child study team, unless it is something you want kept private which is also your right i.e. you choose what you want to share.
12-02-2010, 09:50 AM |