Hi! My name's Amethyst. I'm 22 and live in the states. Only found out about SPD last year when I was seeing a therapist for my anxiety disorder, PTSD, and depression. (I know, quite a handful!) Took me years to agree to see anyone, though I probably should have earlier on - PTSD is thanks to childhood abuse/trauma before being adopted.
I had never even heard of SPD before my therapist told me about it. Even though I never knew this was affecting my life, I found ways to cope on my own. Once she started explaining it to me and we were talking more, I realized how much this has impacted my life. I was always considered 'odd' or 'strange', but my parents, I suppose, never thought much of it and some of the things I did was just 'something I did'. And everyone just figures I'm an introvert - which I think is mainly due to my anxiety and getting stressed just leaving the house to go to work or school.
I'm still learning about this disorder and, unfortunately, I don't have anyone really to talk to about it - making friends I can do, but I avoid social things so much unless I have no choice. And I tried talking to my parents about it, but I think it's just this point where they expect me to be an adult and that it's not their concern, so I feel like if I continue bringing it up I'm just bothering them. Which sucks.
Sorry, I ramble. >.<
One of the things I really dislike is how overwhelmed I get while at work. I have to work part-time while I'm slowly getting through school, and somehow I ended up working in a busy, loud atmosphere where I see tons and tons of people all day. And my co-workers are nice, but they don't get it when there's so many different sounds, voices, smells, EVERYTHING, for hours on end and all I want to do is run out to my car and curl up on the backseat with my hands over my ears. And I hate when people touch me, especially people I don't know, because it leaves me with that 'skin crawling, creepy' feeling that won't go away for long periods of time - I've resorted to holding my hands under freezing water for several minutes at a time until I can't feel anything. (Thankfully my therapist told me about pressing my hands together or pushing against a wall, which helps)
And yogurt. Oh dear lord. The texture of yogurt, eep, just thinking about it makes me gag.
And slimy things. lakdfjlfkdja Ew. Or when our dog throws up and I have to clean it up. Or slightly stinky smells that are gross to people, but ULTRA vomit-inducing to me.
Or trying to make eye contact with people. (I've learned that staring at the bridge of a person's nose really helps with that)
So...nice to meet everyone! >.<