Posts: 2
Joined: Aug 2010
New mom of a daughter w/SPD
What brings you here?
My daughter, Becca, has SPD. She is 3 years old.
Share a little of your journey if you'd like...
Becca started rubbing her feet until the bled at the age of 4 months. She was misdiagnosed with PICA & Autism at the age of two. She is delayed approx. one year in language & social interactions. She is a seeker & every sense is affected except for her sight. When Becca is upset, she will scream, rub her feet & hold her ears.
Is there any immediate help you need? I only know one other parent of an SPD child. I feel as though I need a support group who understands.
SPD doesn't run your life! What are you or your child's gifts?
Becca has started sight reading at the age of 3. She has a wonderful sense of humor & tries to make us laugh. She is gifted with electronics. She works my iPhone better than I do & frequently calls her grandparents on her own.
Becca loves music, dancing, swimming (jumps in & goes under on her own) & jumping!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I have 3 kids & a husband in law enforcement, so not much spare time! My oldest is 9 & she plays travel softball. My son is 6 & he loves to make us laugh. He also plays baseball in the spring. Becca's therapy takes up the rest of my time 
Any hobbies or interests?
I love sports, horseback riding & my family![/font]
08-14-2010, 01:29 PM |
Posts: 261
Joined: Apr 2010
RE: New mom of a daughter w/SPD
Hi there Nicole74, and welcome to SPD International! 
You mention you don't know any other parents with SPD children and you are looking for a good, understanding support group. Well that is my intention here, to provide just that. I hope you are able to find the hope, help, and support you need here.
(08-14-2010, 01:29 PM)Nicole74 Wrote: Becca has started sight reading at the age of 3. She has a wonderful sense of humor & tries to make us laugh. She is gifted with electronics. She works my iPhone better than I do & frequently calls her grandparents on her own.
Becca loves music, dancing, swimming (jumps in & goes under on her own) & jumping!
Wow! You have quite the talented daughter there! You see? It's not all gloom and doom. Sure, you are having a hard time, and she has her difficulties and delays, but there are always abilities, always bright lights if people know where to look for them. She sounds like a wonderful little girl and I'm glad she has you to help her along in this world  .
Quote:I have 3 kids & a husband in law enforcement, so not much spare time! My oldest is 9 & she plays travel softball. My son is 6 & he loves to make us laugh. He also plays baseball in the spring. Becca's therapy takes up the rest of my time 
I love sports, horseback riding & my family!
Yes, you certainly are busy there. 3 kids is quite the handful, I'm betting, as I come from a family with 4 kids, myself. Also, got to have respect for a law enforcement officer, as that's a very tough job, and respect to the cop's wife and family, which is also a very tough job!
I'm glad you found the site. Thanks for sharing so much about yourself, your daughter and family here. I look forward to hearing from you again, so feel free to stick around and post, so we can all get to know each other.
Best wishes.
Hi, welcome to SPD Support! Have a free cyber hug!
08-14-2010, 11:33 PM |
Posts: 218
Joined: Jun 2010
RE: New mom of a daughter w/SPD
Hi, Nicole! Glad you could join us.  Sounds like you have an amazing little girl there! I know it is different to have an online support than a personal, in your face one, but I hope that we can help out with what's going on and provide a sounding board and companions on your journey. It sounds like you've got your hands full! But at least you've got a good idea of what's going on and are working to make things better for Becca. Believe me, as someone who didn't find out they had SPD until they were an adult, I much appreciate how different things could have been if I had had early intervention.
I hope you will enjoy sharing and looking around here. Did you have any questions or specific things that are going on for you right now? We have people with all different sorts of needs and experiences here, so I'll bet somebody will have an inkling.
Looking forward to hearing from you again!
08-19-2010, 01:52 PM |