Posts: 1
Joined: Sep 2010
Hello, everyone! I am the mother of a 3 year old daughter with tactile and auditory hypersensitivity. Her SPD diagnosis is recent - just within the past 3 months and right after she turned 3 years old. Car seats, shoes, tags, ponytail holders, temperatures, and clothing are all areas of concern for my kiddo. She attends OT once a week and we have added a sensory diet of calming activities to our day. We just started listening therapy, too. She loves her time each week with her OT and especially likes activities that provide joint compression (like hanging from the monkey bars and bouncing on the trampoline). She's the most amazing person I've ever met! I appreciate the support and any suggestions . . . lots of questions already! Thanks so much!
09-07-2010, 10:06 PM |
Posts: 261
Joined: Apr 2010
Hi there e1973, welcome to SPD International  .
Sorry no one has said anything to you until now, as I've been busy. Thank you for introducing yourself and your daughter to the group. She sounds like a great kid! I hope OT is continuing to help her.
Now, you say you have lots of questions? Feel free to ask anytime, either here or by starting a new thread in the SPD General or Occupational Therapy forums.
And, how about you? Any particular interests or hobbies? Anything you are able to do or would like to do outside of being a great mom? Would love to get to know you. Feel free to post around. I hope you enjoy your stay here!
Hi, welcome to SPD Support! Have a free cyber hug!
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2010, 05:22 PM by Dani.)
09-11-2010, 05:22 PM |