Posts: 4
Joined: Jul 2012
Hello, Im Sam. Mom to a 4.5 year old DD with SPD, neurological impairment, mild hearing loss and some auditory processing issues. She is so much fun but so much work at the same time. I'm glad to find a group that "gets it", as family and friends don't always understand. Right now we are fighting with the school district to get some help for her.
Look forward to meeting you all
07-23-2012, 05:26 PM |
Posts: 299
Joined: Jul 2012
Welcome! When was your child diagnosed? Has she had her kindergarten screening? At the very least, they should be providing her with speech therapy if the hearing loss affects her speech. My daughter (5) already was receiving speech therapy at preschool, which will continue during kindergarten. She was just diagnosed with SPD, though, and I have to start requesting OT services. I hope it goes well. At the last meeting with the school, they mentioned they weren't going to be evaluating her for OT until November, then by the time the report is in and we have a meeting it will be December, and if they approve OT, it will begin in January. Our insurance coverage for private OT runs out the beginning of October. I wish you well in your battle with the school district.
07-24-2012, 12:38 AM |
Site Moderator
Posts: 117
Joined: Apr 2012
Welcome to the site! I have 2 children with SPD, my youngest also has autism too. I know all to well the feeling of family and friends not "getting" it. I have had to deal with this a lot.
But we are all happy to have you
Momma with SPD & 3 SPD Kiddo's <3
07-24-2012, 09:25 PM |