Posts: 1
Joined: Oct 2011
Hi Guys,
Really pleased to have found this forum  I have always had sensory issues and so has my sister, but neither of us has ever been diagnosed with anything. I have never been one to complain about stuff but always felt different somehow. My sister has had various diagnoses over the years, the latest being Bipolar Disorder. Having done some reasearch on SPD I am convinced this is the root of her issues.
I only really came to hear of SPD when I had my children. Both my children just seemed so much harder than everyone elses, particularly DD and I felt such a rubbish parent. I couldnt understand what was going wrong. I put her in nursery when I went back to work but it was a nightmare, she refused to eat, couldnt sleep there and was hysterical by the time I collected her. As a toddler she would have around 10 tantrums per day, sometimes lasting for an hour or more. With my baby son to deal with too (reflux & would not ever be put down), I felt like I was going to have a breakdown. I left work in the end to look after both my children and I am now home educating them. DD did go to playschool part time and it was mostly positive, but of course I had carefully chosen this small, cosy playschool with only 8 kids & she went part time. She was fine at playschool, though suffered with tiredness and what the playschool teacher called 'over-sensitivity'. My main issue was what happened when she came home. She was angry, aggressive and had tantrums due to being over tired and over stimulated.
My son started playschool and after an incident there, which transpires was just a child making a loud bang, he refused to go back. He would hide in the mornings when it was time to go & basically would cry and hang onto the doorframe if I tried to take him in. I suddenly had this light bulb moment, WHY WAS I DOING THIS TO HIM!!!!
We are just starting out on our HE journey and enjoying being able to control the pace and thus the stimulation. life is calmer!
My DD is my main concern I guess. Shes the picky eater, but I think I have a reasonable strategy. I do wonder what supplements might help her though. My main issue with her is that she over responds but though I keep her daily life as stress free as possible, she is also what you might call a thrill seeker. I find it hard to balance her needs! She craves social interaction but it sends her into meltdown! She has no 'off' button and doesnt seem to be able to stop before things get too much.....she wants MORE, MORE, MORE all the time. She can be very moody, but is also the kindest child I think Ive ever met 
My DS is much calmer (as long as mummy is close!) but he is the one who can only wear PJ's and 'comfy' clothes. He goes mad if he gets even the tiniest bit wet and has to change his whole outfit! Thankfully he eats anything hes given (halleluja!!!). Until I had him I thought DD's fussy eating was my fault.
I love my children more than anything else on this earth and wouldnt ever swap them.....but wow can they be hard work!!!! 
Im looking forward to getting lots of great tips & getting to know everyone! Sorry if ive blabbed on a bit but I dont talk about this to anyone really......
10-21-2011, 05:07 PM |
Posts: 277
Joined: Dec 2010
Hi, Honey! Welcome! You've had quite a roller coaster ride these past few years! It can be exhausting and isolating. I'm glad you're starting to find answers.
My younger son is my picky eater. I'm at my wit's end with what to do with him. I'm thinking about doing a reward chart for when he eats a new food. I'm tired of mealtime battles. He is so skinny and of course the mom in me worries about that. My older son had a brief picky stage but we had a "3 Bite Rule" and that helped to get him to try new foods. Now he's a great eater. If only his younger brother would follow in his footsteps!
I can relate to the moody part too. Again, my younger son is the same. He has a girl with Down's Syndrome in his classroom at school and he is so patient and kind with her. But then at home he can be so grumpy and moody sometimes.
I have to go. Time for my older son's social skills group. More later! WElcome!
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
10-24-2011, 05:31 PM |