Posts: 31
Joined: Jun 2011
I have trouble listening and making sense of what I hear. I don't tend to talk in deep conversations or contribute my point of view because I think things and something totally different comes out of my mouth.
Or I want to speak and I physically can't. It is as if I do not know how to speak. The more I try to get the words out the more I can't speak at all. Then what comes out is "I don't know" or some stupid thing like that when I know exactly what I wanted to say in my head. Eventually even my thoughts are muddled and one big ball of confused overlapping thoughts that I can't even figure out.
I can type out what I want to say fine. I was talking to my boyfriend earlier - as this is making an impact on our relationship - and when I closed my eyes to listen I could understand and get lost less (still happens but less often). At one point I felt confident enough to contribute my thoughts when my eyes were closed.
I had intended to say "when I think about colors I always have to remind myself that red and blue makes purple and red and yellow makes orange before I can think what a color is"... but when I actually spoke that thought the part where I said "red and yellow makes orange" what came out of my mouth was "red and yellow makes green" and I didn't catch it... not until my boyfriend pointed it out. But I DO know red and yellow makes orange and NOT green.
Then later we were talking and it was a lighthearted subject and I said something so backwards it was unintelligible and I did catch it... but couldn't even figure out what I wanted to say!
I usually don't talk much unless it is about mundane things because talking mundane things it happens less.
What I do know is that when I close my eyes sounds that usually have no direction and are one sound become separate. (like the tv from the living room and the wash machine in the laundry room and water running in the kitchen no longer sound as one sound - I can tell where they are coming from) My ability to hear properly increases and peoples nonsense "I can't understand you" talking becomes clear and I can respond.
I am highly distressed and not sure why I can't talk or understand sometimes. I feel so locked inside my own head. I can't "see" and "listen" and "think" all at the same time....
10-15-2011, 09:01 PM |
Posts: 277
Joined: Dec 2010
RE: Not sure what this is...
That sounds very frustrating! I'm sorry this is upsetting you. BIG HUGS!
I have a little trouble with listening. I can't seem to make sense of verbal information very well. I have to have things repeated multiple times. It's easier if I can watch someone's mouth while they're speaking or if the information is written down so I can read it while I hear it. Otherwise, it just doesn't seem to make sense to my brain. I can hear each word but it seems like a jumbled mess.
I think that's part of my phone phobia. I've had past jobs where I had to take phone messages and I would panic about having to write down the right phone number. So now, in general, I avoid the phone when I can. Thank goodness for email and Internet!
I trip over my words sometimes. Especially if there are too many people focused on me suddenly, I'll mess up what I'm trying to say. I can relate to saying that "red and yellow make green"! I'm sure I've said things like that at some point.
I'm not sure what music therapy entails or how it works or if it would help with the things you've mentioned. Maybe someone here would have information about it. Or maybe try calling a local OT place to ask if they know who would offer that kind of therapy.
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
10-18-2011, 12:01 PM |
Posts: 163
Joined: Nov 2010
RE: Not sure what this is...
I think this is called Auditory Processing Disorder. My understanding is that it is often a part of SPD but I think is generally regarded as being better treated by a speech language pathologist or a SLP and OT together. My daughter is actually being tested for this next week so I've researched it a little.
10-18-2011, 08:44 PM |
Posts: 2
Joined: Oct 2011
RE: Not sure what this is...
(10-18-2011, 12:01 PM)LynnNBoys Wrote: That sounds very frustrating! I'm sorry this is upsetting you. BIG HUGS!
I have a little trouble with listening. I can't seem to make sense of verbal information very well. I have to have things repeated multiple times. It's easier if I can watch someone's mouth while they're speaking or if the information is written down so I can read it while I hear it. Otherwise, it just doesn't seem to make sense to my brain. I can hear each word but it seems like a jumbled mess.
I think that's part of my phone phobia. I've had past jobs where I had to take phone messages and I would panic about having to write down the right phone number. So now, in general, I avoid the phone when I can. Thank goodness for email and Internet!
I trip over my words sometimes. Especially if there are too many people focused on me suddenly, I'll mess up what I'm trying to say. I can relate to saying that "red and yellow make green"! I'm sure I've said things like that at some point.
I'm not sure what music therapy entails or how it works or if it would help with the things you've mentioned. Maybe someone here would have information about it. Or maybe try calling a local OT place to ask if they know who would offer that kind of therapy.
I'm actually a music therapy student. I don't have a ton of experience yet, but I do have access to a ton of information, so if you have any specific questions I can try to help answer them, or if you just want to know more about music therapy in general. I have SPD, and am also really interested in how music therapy could be used with this population.
I also wanted to say that I too have difficulty with auditory processing, and am looking for any ways to help this, as its making college a little difficult.
10-20-2011, 12:31 AM |
Posts: 31
Joined: Jun 2011
RE: Not sure what this is...
Thanks everyone
Here is the update on how things have progressed... I have always had auditory and communicating issues and SPD issues.. but this is a new ball park...
Since making this post, I have begun going numb in all my limbs and face, go into a state of "loopiness" like I have downed a few drinks. Pain in my spine and neck have begun making me wonder if I will be walking this time next year. I walk incredibly slow and still keel over and lose balance.
I have an appointment with a Neurologist in the end of January. Sooo as much as I was hoping it was SPD issues at their best... seems this is something beyond that.
One of the most annoying things is when drinking hot beverages it burns my eardrums... or a beverage doesn't feel hot in my mouth but have burned my throat so badly it affects my voice.
I so appreciate everyone's feedback.
10-20-2011, 04:08 PM |
Posts: 7
Joined: Jan 2012
RE: Not sure what this is...
I can so relate to this! I have SPD and Auditory Processing Disorder, and I can't follow a conversation more than the trivial and mundane. Don't bother to ask for my input; if I even managed to understand the conversation, my thoughts don't come out quite right (sometimes, it's just not what I meant; other times, it's down right nonsensical).
The worst part is that no one believes or understands the problem. I have a twin sister who is deaf. She can't hear anything other than some environmental sounds. And she has an audiogram that proves it. At most, all I have is a confused look on my face or a strange response. People are always saying, "You can hear just fine." But I can't. And I know from experience that you only get so many "What?"s and "Can you repeat that?"s before people get frustrated with you. It's easier to just wait for more clues or tell yourself that it wasn't that important anyways. So people take your silence to mean that you heard, understood, and agree with everything they said, reinforcing their belief that you can hear 'just fine'.
And if they do believe you, they still don't understand how much it really affects you. They think that you would only have a problem at a loud club or concert, like they would; they don't consider a busy (as in not closed) mall or restaurant, a full business meeting or classroom, or even a quiet office (if you are tired and overstimulated enough). They don't realize that it is more of a problem in a business setting where most communication is through meetings than in a school setting where with textbooks and research you can get most of the information anyway. So those good grades you got from constant studying proved (to them) that you can hear and should have no problems (in a completely different setting!) at work. And most businesses that you work for or with (as a customer) require you to use the phone as the first, if not only, resort in communication.
01-11-2012, 04:01 AM |
Posts: 31
Joined: Jun 2011
RE: Not sure what this is...
(01-11-2012, 04:01 AM)knofskia Wrote: I can so relate to this! I have SPD and Auditory Processing Disorder, and I can't follow a conversation more than the trivial and mundane. Don't bother to ask for my input; if I even managed to understand the conversation, my thoughts don't come out quite right (sometimes, it's just not what I meant; other times, it's down right nonsensical).
The worst part is that no one believes or understands the problem. I have a twin sister who is deaf. She can't hear anything other than some environmental sounds. And she has an audiogram that proves it. At most, all I have is a confused look on my face or a strange response. People are always saying, "You can hear just fine." But I can't. And I know from experience that you only get so many "What?"s and "Can you repeat that?"s before people get frustrated with you. It's easier to just wait for more clues or tell yourself that it wasn't that important anyways. So people take your silence to mean that you heard, understood, and agree with everything they said, reinforcing their belief that you can hear 'just fine'.
And if they do believe you, they still don't understand how much it really affects you. They think that you would only have a problem at a loud club or concert, like they would; they don't consider a busy (as in not closed) mall or restaurant, a full business meeting or classroom, or even a quiet office (if you are tired and overstimulated enough). They don't realize that it is more of a problem in a business setting where most communication is through meetings than in a school setting where with textbooks and research you can get most of the information anyway. So those good grades you got from constant studying proved (to them) that you can hear and should have no problems (in a completely different setting!) at work. And most businesses that you work for or with (as a customer) require you to use the phone as the first, if not only, resort in communication.
I feel like I could have written a lot of what you said here
I appreciate everyone's responses so much. I still very much have my SPD issues. Auditory issues. They are just being compounded now with what is called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Hypermobility type.
Compressed nerves in my spine and limbs from dislocations and sublaxations are making usual SPD symptoms even worse.
The auditory and communication side of things are still a nightmare that no one in my every day life tends to understand. My boyfriend being an exception. Though it is easy for him to forget at times. He has been very good to me and has learned to adapt the way we engage in conversations.
This forum, even when I just come and read posts, but do not interact, is a true blessing and a highlight in a very difficult time in my life. I am so grateful for all of you, and appreciate your daily struggles very much.
My heart is with you all
(10-18-2011, 12:01 PM)LynnNBoys Wrote: That sounds very frustrating! I'm sorry this is upsetting you. BIG HUGS!
I have a little trouble with listening. I can't seem to make sense of verbal information very well. I have to have things repeated multiple times. It's easier if I can watch someone's mouth while they're speaking or if the information is written down so I can read it while I hear it. Otherwise, it just doesn't seem to make sense to my brain. I can hear each word but it seems like a jumbled mess.
I think that's part of my phone phobia. I've had past jobs where I had to take phone messages and I would panic about having to write down the right phone number. So now, in general, I avoid the phone when I can. Thank goodness for email and Internet!
I trip over my words sometimes. Especially if there are too many people focused on me suddenly, I'll mess up what I'm trying to say. I can relate to saying that "red and yellow make green"! I'm sure I've said things like that at some point.
I'm not sure what music therapy entails or how it works or if it would help with the things you've mentioned. Maybe someone here would have information about it. Or maybe try calling a local OT place to ask if they know who would offer that kind of therapy.
Hi Lynn,
I have read this thread many times, and somehow this is the first time I read your post???? Ugh hate when I do things like that. Sorry
I can relate to your phone phobia... even my mother texts me now lol... I love music... especially music I can FEEL. Not too sure what the therapy would involve tho. I am on limited state insurance at the moment and not much is covered.
I love subtitles! It is like the spoken word is in one ear out the other lol... I can't even remember things I just said verbally! Some days it is a miracle I can communicate at all lol... For years I have lived through the internet. Real life? What's that????
Here is to never giving up
**big hugs**
(This post was last modified: 01-12-2012, 05:42 PM by Valkyrie.)
01-12-2012, 05:30 PM |
Posts: 342
Joined: Jun 2010
RE: Not sure what this is...
I haven't trusted my hearing for word comprehension since Undergraduate college when I learned at how much I failed at the simple game of Telephone. I was unable to repeat more than 3 words of a simple 12 word sentence back to the person who said the sentence to me. Everyone else found it hysterically. I found it deeply upsetting.
In the work force, I had a boss that refused to communicate via e-mail. If I needed something from him I had to not only be able to talk to him directly but walk quickly at the same time. I am an Engineer and often the discussion was quite technical. I needed to be able to take notes to make sure I did what he asked, but due to another disability I can not walk fast and talk at the same time let alone write simultaneously. I fell a couple of times attempting this. The jerk just kept walking and left me behind.
People were always getting irritated for my asking me to repeat what they said. If I really cared about what they said, I learned to write it down since otherwise I wouldn't remember it.
My husband tells me so many things verbally, but if he really wants me to do something or remember something he writes it down and places it where even I can not miss seeing it. My visual obviousness to even blatant things like a note on my keyboard is epic. Sigh.
01-13-2012, 04:55 AM |
Posts: 31
Joined: Jun 2011
RE: Not sure what this is...
Hi Beck,
I love the "sticky note" on my windows 7 desktop...
I have a similar work experience... I worked in a tourist Hotel two summers in a row. It puts on an annual Memorial Day parade. My manager called me on the phone to relay Vet names and military titles... I could not get it. I wanted to cry. She was getting so frustrated.
Your hubby sounds like a smart man
01-13-2012, 11:20 PM |
Posts: 7
Joined: Jan 2012
RE: Not sure what this is...
(01-12-2012, 05:30 PM)Valkyrie Wrote: (10-18-2011, 12:01 PM)LynnNBoys Wrote: That sounds very frustrating! I'm sorry this is upsetting you. BIG HUGS!
I have a little trouble with listening. I can't seem to make sense of verbal information very well. I have to have things repeated multiple times. It's easier if I can watch someone's mouth while they're speaking or if the information is written down so I can read it while I hear it. Otherwise, it just doesn't seem to make sense to my brain. I can hear each word but it seems like a jumbled mess.
I think that's part of my phone phobia. I've had past jobs where I had to take phone messages and I would panic about having to write down the right phone number. So now, in general, I avoid the phone when I can. Thank goodness for email and Internet!
I trip over my words sometimes. Especially if there are too many people focused on me suddenly, I'll mess up what I'm trying to say. I can relate to saying that "red and yellow make green"! I'm sure I've said things like that at some point.
I'm not sure what music therapy entails or how it works or if it would help with the things you've mentioned. Maybe someone here would have information about it. Or maybe try calling a local OT place to ask if they know who would offer that kind of therapy.
Hi Lynn,
I have read this thread many times, and somehow this is the first time I read your post???? Ugh hate when I do things like that. Sorry 
I can relate to your phone phobia... even my mother texts me now lol... I love music... especially music I can FEEL. Not too sure what the therapy would involve tho. I am on limited state insurance at the moment and not much is covered.
I love subtitles! It is like the spoken word is in one ear out the other lol... I can't even remember things I just said verbally! Some days it is a miracle I can communicate at all lol... For years I have lived through the internet. Real life? What's that????
Here is to never giving up 
**big hugs** I am the same way. I hate using the phone; growing up, my deaf sister and I would argue about who had to be the one to make a phone call. I would rather use text, or better yet, video relay service (my sister and I know some sign language). But my family prefer to call me. So I just sit on the phone awkwardly, giving short replies, until they hang up.
And I love captioning! Most of the videos I like to watch have loud special effects, music, or strange (British) accents; even without all that distraction, I can never understand them. But with captioning, I can finally enjoy more than the special effects, costumes, and scenery. Again, my family prefer the opposite; they complain that the captioning blocks or distracts from the video. When the movie also has subtitles, I agree, the captioning does get in the way; the interpretation is usually covered by captioning like "Speaking Chinese" or something. But that doesn't take away from the fact that captioning helps me enjoy many, many more videos than previously possible.
01-14-2012, 02:23 PM |