Posts: 1
Joined: Aug 2011
Hi, I'm new here. I have two children. My son Justin is almost 4 and my daughter Alexa is 16 months old. Alexa is the reason I'm here. She has sensory issues that were diagnosed at 9months old. She has oral defensiveness (which is what first alerted us to the fact that something wasn't right). Feeding is a huge issue with her  She also has some sensitivity in her hands. She has a feeding specialist, attends OT, and speech therapy. It has been an educational experience this past year to say the least. She also has issues of knowing where her body is in space. We are very lucky that she has received so much intervention early on. It has been very stressful (mostly the feeding issues). We are blessed that she is such a happy child. Looking at her, most people wouldn't guess she had anything unusual going on. I'm just here looking for support and to learn from the experience of others.
08-29-2011, 02:21 AM |
Posts: 277
Joined: Dec 2010
Hi, Anne, welcome! I'm glad you found us! That's great that you are able to get help for her so early!
My sons and I all have trouble with knowing where our bodies are in space. My younger son is having more and more food issues, so I have an appt for him in Sept. My two are both school-aged.
There's another mom with a 10 month old here.
Feel free to ask any questions or vent any frustrations!
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
08-30-2011, 10:09 AM |
Posts: 163
Joined: Nov 2010
Welcome!! I had some feeding issues with my first child I remember how stressful that was. Unfortunately I didn't not know much about early intervention until the second time around. Good for you for figuring things out so early for her!
08-30-2011, 03:36 PM |