Posts: 1
Joined: Aug 2011
Hi Everyone! I am Jenn and my DS is 6 1/2 and has had the diagnosis of SPD for about 2 years now. He is a bright, inquisitive and outgoing kid. I wouldn't change him for the world!
I am a working mom and wife. I have been married for 8 years now and we have another DS who is 3. We live outside of Chicago. I am learning to juggle working with being a mom/wife/driver/provider/everything else in our busy lives.
Our SPD boy, Josh, is a seeker/craver (mostly vestibular, proprioceptive and oral), and has poor motor planning, self-regulation, muscle tone, and sensitive to light and sounds. We went through Early Intervention and received services for speech and behavior therapies. When the behavior therapies stopped working, his speech didn't get better and he aged out of EI, we were stuck, but knew something was wrong. We finally were able to get the right combination of psychiatrist, social worker and physician, along with the right evaluations and got our PDD diagnosis in 2009. He started to get OT in 2010 with improvement.
He started Kindergarten in Aug. 2010 and I had immediately started the year with a frank and open discussion with his teacher. She was a god-send. I thank God for her every day because she was so wonderful for our son. She made his first year such a positive experience. She worked with the social worker and OT at the district for modifications in the classroom. We had our son re-evaluated this spring in anticipation of either a 504 or IEP for his first grade year and that is where we are now.
I hope to get a lot from this forum. I need all the help I can get!
08-08-2011, 02:54 PM |
Posts: 163
Joined: Nov 2010
Welcome!! It sounds like you and your son are doing a great job!!
08-08-2011, 04:00 PM |
Posts: 26
Joined: Aug 2011
That is wonderful! I love hearing stories like this. Sounds like you finally are getting the right fit for your son. Welcome look forward to hearing more about your amazing little boy!
08-08-2011, 04:49 PM |
Posts: 277
Joined: Dec 2010
Hi Jenn, and welcome! Sounds like things are falling into place! I'm glad you found us!
I have a son who will be 7 in Sept.
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
08-09-2011, 12:58 AM |