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Joined: Apr 2011
Hi everyone. My name is Janna and we have 5 wonderful kids. My second youngest is the one most likely with SPD. She hasn't been formally diagnosed yet. We have been on the waiting list for Siskins in Chattanooga since last October and our appointment is in June. She goes to a special needs pre k at our elementary school now and she is getting PT, OT, and Speech there. We also go to and independent place for Speech. We are also beginning to wonder if our youngest has SPD too.
A little bit of background. Makenna, who is 3, wasn't walking and barely crawling at her first birthday and not talking very well. Along with some other symptoms her pediatrician first suspected Autism. We ruled that out quickly though because she is very social and does not have any problems with people. Everyone loves her  We found out she wasn't walking because she didn't like her feet touching the floor or ground. She doesn't wear shoes very well because she has low muscle tone in her feet and she also has low muscle tone in her mouth. She doesn't eat very much because she doesn't like textured things. She only likes to eat soft things. She is deathly afraid of loud noises. We have to put her in another room with one of her sisters and shut the door when we want to vacuum. Loud cars freak her out, hairdryers. Anything of that kind. She also has hearing loss in her left ear. She licks alot and pinches when she gets excited. She also twitches and twists her arms and feet when she gets excited, angry, and when she goes number two. We are having issues with potty training her.
My youngest is Mikey and he is 15 months. He is not yet walking either and is barely crawling. He also has low muscle tone and not talking. We have noticed some noise sensitivity with him and some touch sensitivity so we are just going to keep a close eye on him too.
Sorry didn't mean to ramble on so long and it's not very organized. Just glad to find a place where people actually know what I am talking about!!
momma to Justice 7, Khaya 5, Leiah 4, Makenna 3, and Mikey 1
04-01-2011, 09:53 AM |
Posts: 163
Joined: Nov 2010
04-01-2011, 07:12 PM |
Posts: 277
Joined: Dec 2010
Hi Janna! Welcome! Your kids sound familiar! My older one didn't crawl until 10.5 months and didn't take his first steps alone until 15 months old. He didn't talk very much (and a lot was understandable only to me and hubby) until he was 3. Didn't fully potty train until he was a couple weeks from his 4th birthday. He was diagnosed when he was 6.5 yrs, in 1st grade. He also has moderate to severe anxiety.
That's great that she is getting services at the school already! So nice to have those resources!
I've been keeping an eye on my younger son since he shows signs of being a sensory seeker. It's not affecting his school work, so I'm a bit torn about getting the diagnosis or not. It's good to have Mikey on your radar so you can get help for him if the need arises.
You certainly came to the right place! Hope to "see" you often!
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
04-03-2011, 04:01 PM |