Posts: 1
Joined: Mar 2011

Hi everyone!
I've stumbled across you guys after trying to help my son. His behaviour is extreme at times and I feel as though I have found where he fits in.
His teachers tell me something is wrong.. he runs from his classroom and it takes time to bring him back. He spends more time in the office than anyone I have ever known and and sometimes he lashes out.
I have felt like organising an exorcism however now, I feel that I can reach him since finding out about SPD.
I live in Australia and I have endred years of asking Dr's to help, well 5 really.
I am so glad to be amongst people who have or help those with this disorder.
03-09-2011, 02:01 PM |
Posts: 277
Joined: Dec 2010
Hi, Donna! Welcome! How old is your son? My older son is almost 10 and was diagnosed when he was 6. He has come a long way with the help of OT, therapy, social skills group, his teachers, and the school social worker. He had been evaluated for autism and ADHD but nothing fit exactly... until I found out about SPD. Then it was like a light switch--this was my son!
What part of Australia? My husband and I just love visiting there!
I hope you jump right in the discussions and make yourself at home.
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
03-09-2011, 05:14 PM |
Posts: 342
Joined: Jun 2010
Does your son need to learn while moving? Boys especially seem to have a hard time being trapped in one place for long when they are trying to learn.
03-09-2011, 09:46 PM |