Posts: 2
Joined: Feb 2011
knowledge is power [frightening too!!!!!]
Hello.......I have an 8 year old son.......who I have never understood......on the one hand he is so kind and gentle, yet hurts our pets and his friends.........had serious melt-downs.......cries a lot because he gets so frustrated with himself and the people around him.....pushes people away when he gets 'hurt'......I began reading anything I could to try to help me understand my jekyl and hyde child........and my astonishment....I have SPD......just like him!!!!..........which is a double edged sword for me.......I have had a very turbulent quirks.....terrors/fears.......impatience with noise......needing to be alone.....feelings of constantly being let myself and people around me.....have been treated for depression for half my life.....seen many counsellors, therapists etc.....looking for answers.....does it now mean my son will be the same?????........I pray not.........SPD is very hard to live with.....
02-13-2011, 06:29 PM |
Posts: 261
Joined: Apr 2010
RE: knowledge is power [frightening too!!!!!]
Hi there Mary, welcome to the site.
I'm glad you found your way over, and thanks for sending me that email the other day. I am really glad you are able to finally, after all these years of confusion and pain, able to know just what was causing you so much trouble.
As for whether or not your son will end up with the same degree of issues as you, I wouldn't count on it  . If you are able to provide him with occupational therapy, the reasons for why he needs things to be the way they are, and an altered sensory environment that is tailored to his needs, he is likely to have a much better go at things. Believe me, I've seen it in my years of helping parents.
Anyhow, since you're here, and we like to get to know each other, have any interests or hobbies? What do you do to cope with your daily sensory struggles? What does your son do?
Again, welcome to SPD International. I hope you benefit greatly from your time here.
Hi, welcome to SPD Support! Have a free cyber hug!
02-14-2011, 10:51 AM |
Posts: 342
Joined: Jun 2010
RE: knowledge is power [frightening too!!!!!]
Hurting animals and other people?
Does he have a Hyposensitivity problem where he is misjudging his strength and pain load?
Does he try to explain why he hurts animals and his friends? If it is sensory overwhelmed triggering an anger overload, then he needs training on how to recognize this state and go away from people and animals until the anger goes down. A safe place to go "hide" might be necessary like a closet.
02-15-2011, 01:21 AM |