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Joined: Oct 2010
Hey all. :3 D1G1T (i'm going to end up butchering your screename all the time, my fingers don't like to hit shift/caps lock often..) referred me here after a night of us two talking on IRC in a different channel we both hang in. We went back and forth about "quirks" that annoyed me about myself, things I do but can't control or can't fix. he kept bringing up SPD, and linked me to this forum, so i decided to poke around a bit.
after a bit of reading around, i gotta say that i'm surprised at how many of these things everyone experiences , i go through too. the need for really loud, heavy music to feel complete, certain clothes not feeling "right" because they're too stiff or rough, and many other things. while i don't know if i actually do have spd or not, i definitely show some traits about it and i'm curious to see more. it may be the missing link to all these pieces of other disorders that i have but could never actually put together. ^^;
well, a bit about me. Im' 19, currently in college taking my pre-reqs, but going to go into Nursing once these are done. I'm struggling a little just because of my concentration (or lack thereof), but i'm working on it. I graduated high school 2 yrs ago and took a break because i was tired of being exhausted physically and emotionally at the end of the day, every day. i'd come home and i'd want to just either yell, cry, or pass out. the actual school work was mostly boring, except for certain thigns like math that i just could not understand no matter what. i couldn't focus on it, i'd work on one math problem and i'd take up a whole sheet of paper for it, which angered my teacher for "wasting" paper. thankfully now i'm with a nice college prof who understands me a bit more so school is going well :3
i dunno what else to really say. I think I'm dysgraphic, and ADD, but i lack the money and knowledge on how to go about getting tested for any of this stuff. :/ I also have a really annoying tic that's lasted me for years, which again I can't fix. xD; right now im' sitting in my school's computer lab and having a h ard time typing because i'm cold, so excuse typos please. X3
anyway i should get back to doing my homework and stuff. *grumble* i'll be back later to check up on stuffs. :3 this looks like a very helpful forum, and i'm glad to have found it finally.
<Mako>I see one sila caring loving girl whos a lil shy + scared on the inside but has a giant heart ^-^

Highly suspected/Being evaluated for: ADHD & Autism.
Also have SPD, GAD, and an annoying speech impediment.
10-13-2010, 10:48 AM |
Posts: 261
Joined: Apr 2010
Hey Sila
Great to see you made it over here and posted an intro. Welcome to SPD International.
(10-13-2010, 10:48 AM)Sila Wrote: D1G1T (i'm going to end up butchering your screename all the time, my fingers don't like to hit shift/caps lock often..) I understand Sila, which is part of why I made the official decision to change my username to just plain Dan. I like a short, identifiable but not overtly unique username as a mod. The personality with the old username was great, and the name had meaning for me, but it was beginning to become a pain even for me, lol.
Quote:after a bit of reading around, i gotta say that i'm surprised at how many of these things everyone experiences , i go through too. the need for really loud, heavy music to feel complete, certain clothes not feeling "right" because they're too stiff or rough, and many other things. while i don't know if i actually do have spd or not, i definitely show some traits about it and i'm curious to see more. it may be the missing link to all these pieces of other disorders that i have but could never actually put together. ^^;
Sila, I related to so much of what you shared last night. I would be very surprised if you didn't have SPD. Here are some checklists that may help you:
Adolescent and Adult SPD Checklist
Adult SPD Checklist page - that one is on my old site, which I am redesigning and going to make a lot easier to follow
Quote:Im' 19, currently in college taking my pre-reqs, but going to go into Nursing once these are done. I'm struggling a little just because of my concentration (or lack thereof), but i'm working on it. I graduated high school 2 yrs ago and took a break because i was tired of being exhausted physically and emotionally at the end of the day, every day. i'd come home and i'd want to just either yell, cry, or pass out. the actual school work was mostly boring, except for certain thigns like math that i just could not understand no matter what. i couldn't focus on it, i'd work on one math problem and i'd take up a whole sheet of paper for it, which angered my teacher for "wasting" paper. thankfully now i'm with a nice college prof who understands me a bit more so school is going well :3
Sila, man do I understand this!
That is exactly what it's like for me when I get home from a day at work and/or classes. I just want to die. If someone talks to me, I snap at them. My nerves are fried and shot. Here's a couple articles I've written that may help you, the first one was published in a magazine last year (yay!):
5 Steps for Dealing with SPD as an Adult - about the SPD discovery phase
SPD Meltdowns - this describes what they are and feel like
Quote:I think I'm dysgraphic, and ADD, but i lack the money and knowledge on how to go about getting tested for any of this stuff. :/ I also have a really annoying tic that's lasted me for years, which again I can't fix. xD; right now im' sitting in my school's computer lab and having a h ard time typing because i'm cold, so excuse typos please. X3
Sila, I'm sorry to hear about the many ways you are struggling. It is more than okay to discuss these things here  . Oh, and don't worry about typos. I have a 'no grammar nazi' rule here  . Orrrrr... if I don't, I should write one. Spelling and grammatical errors are okay here. Hey, if they weren't, I'd be a hypocrite  .
Quote:anyway i should get back to doing my homework and stuff. *grumble* i'll be back later to check up on stuffs. :3 this looks like a very helpful forum, and i'm glad to have found it finally.
Cool, hope that went well. Again, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your time here and get all the support you need  . Best wishes.
Hi, welcome to SPD Support! Have a free cyber hug!
10-13-2010, 03:46 PM |
Forum Moderator
Posts: 115
Joined: Oct 2010
Quote:I understand Sila, which is part of why I made the official decision to change my username to just plain Dan. I like a short, identifiable but not overtly unique username as a mod. The personality with the old username was great, and the name had meaning for me, but it was beginning to become a pain even for me, lol.
hehe, i stick to one easy to spell and easy to remember nickname :3 i'm often getting those Captcha messages wrong, and your old screename was set up like one, with the numbers and letters and stuff. XD thanks for the change, dan is easier to remember for sure
Quote:Sila, I related to so much of what you shared last night. I would be very surprised if you didn't have SPD. Here are some checklists that may help you:
Adolescent and Adult SPD Checklist
Adult SPD Checklist page - that one is on my old site, which I am redesigning and going to make a lot easier to follow
I saw that checklist site earlier when I did a little googling, didn't know that was your site! It's ironic and funny how I have quite a bit of those, but I never could put a finger on just why I was like that. Texture for just about everything is a big problem for me, that's one that sticks out the most in that list. I hate wearing clothes because they feel like needles on my skin all the time, unless i'm wearing a really baggy shirt and some boxers that are two sizes two large. I don't like to walk in the grass barefoot, but I can sometimes walk in soft sand without shoes. I dislike socks and shoes immensely, no matter how good quality they are. x_x i sometimes get moments where it feels like my whole body is being poked with tiny little needles everywhere, and every little touch just sends the needles deeper into my skin. i never know why, or how to stop it, but i hate it. Dx not even pain killers helps when that happens.
food texture is a big bummer too..i love sushi, but most of the good sushi i can't eat because there's too many textures combining. i usually have to take each piece of the sushi apart and eat it separately before i eat it. Dx and i can't eat any kind of raw fish, the slimy/cold/clammy texture and feel will drive me up the wall. ._.;
and smell..i can't be in the same room as someone who's cooking, because the scent of cooking food makes me gag. oddly enough i can bake without too much trouble, but frying anything or cooking, forget it.
it's kinda nice knowing that i'm not crazy, haha. ^^; there's soo much i could write about, but i don't wanna talk your ear off ^^;
Quote:Sila, man do I understand this!
That is exactly what it's like for me when I get home from a day at work and/or classes. I just want to die. If someone talks to me, I snap at them. My nerves are fried and shot. Here's a couple articles I've written that may help you, the first one was published in a magazine last year (yay!):
5 Steps for Dealing with SPD as an Adult - about the SPD discovery phase
SPD Meltdowns - this describes what they are and feel like
Those links do kinda help, but I still can't always see it when a breakdown is approaching...most of the time they just hit me like a brick wall to the face, and i'm lost in what to do until it passes.
My mom always wonders why I'm snappy at the end of the day, or in the early mornings. I never even knew why myself, other than the fact that I felt overwhelmed- but from what? I didn't know. I thought I was possibly on the autism spectrum, because after being around a lot of people I'd come home feeling exhausted. But I realize it isn't because I'm around people, per say, it's just too many things going on at once sending my body into panic mode. I love socializing, small parties, and being with other people. It just gets to be too much sometimes.
Quote:Sila, I'm sorry to hear about the many ways you are struggling. It is more than okay to discuss these things here . Oh, and don't worry about typos. I have a 'no grammar nazi' rule here . Orrrrr... if I don't, I should write one. Spelling and grammatical errors are okay here. Hey, if they weren't, I'd be a hypocrite .
well I have a spell checker when I'm at my house, so I can use that most of the time to fix my mistakes XD
Quote:Cool, hope that went well. Again, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your time here and get all the support you need . Best wishes.
Thankie :3 I'm looking forward to talking in IRC more, I'm more of a fan of realtime chat than forums tbh.
<Mako>I see one sila caring loving girl whos a lil shy + scared on the inside but has a giant heart ^-^

Highly suspected/Being evaluated for: ADHD & Autism.
Also have SPD, GAD, and an annoying speech impediment.
10-13-2010, 08:43 PM |
Posts: 342
Joined: Jun 2010
Hi Sila,
Sounds like you would really benefit from the Wilbarger Protocol. It eliminates my skin feeling like it is on fire or being poked with little needles.
Clothes are a problem for me too. I can wear 100% cotton, leather, and velvet with no skin irritation. Almost everything else burns, hurts, and gives me a rash. Finding 100% cotton underwear and bras is very difficult. One of these days I will learn to sew my own really I will...
10-16-2010, 12:50 AM |
Forum Moderator
Posts: 115
Joined: Oct 2010
(10-16-2010, 12:50 AM)beck7422 Wrote: Hi Sila,
Sounds like you would really benefit from the Wilbarger Protocol. It eliminates my skin feeling like it is on fire or being poked with little needles.
Clothes are a problem for me too. I can wear 100% cotton, leather, and velvet with no skin irritation. Almost everything else burns, hurts, and gives me a rash. Finding 100% cotton underwear and bras is very difficult. One of these days I will learn to sew my own really I will...
I've been looking into the Wilbarger protocol and it does seem like it'd be extremely helpful, but I guess I'm hesitant because I'm scared of what it'll feel like and stuff.
Clothes are a problem for me too, my mom thinks I'm weird because I can't wear the underwear/bras she buys me. :/ She wouldn't understand anything, she dismissed my ADHD diagnosis when I was younger. It's just the clothes feel like needles against my skin all the time, and I get rashes if I walk around in them too long.
<Mako>I see one sila caring loving girl whos a lil shy + scared on the inside but has a giant heart ^-^

Highly suspected/Being evaluated for: ADHD & Autism.
Also have SPD, GAD, and an annoying speech impediment.
10-16-2010, 12:43 PM |
Posts: 342
Joined: Jun 2010
Do you have problems with 100% cotton? I get my 100% cotton bras through Lane Bryant. I get my 100% cotton underwear through Sears. I get the kind where the Elastic never touches my bare skin, it is surrounded in Cotton.
The Wilbarger protocol feels a little weird, but for me at least it is not at all upsetting. It actually releases some of my tension as I go alone.
10-17-2010, 03:49 AM |
Hi Guys ................Welcome ton all members.Glad to meet you all.Have a Good Day !
10-19-2010, 03:31 AM |
SPD Host

Posts: 5
Joined: Aug 2010
Hi Sila!
Welcome to the club
I so hope you try Wilbarger. It was the best thing that I've ever done (I was diagnosed 6 weeks ago at the age of 27), and it truly has brought me to a more calm, less tearful state. If you're interested, I'm keeping a blog about an adult's experiences with SPD (diagnosis and beyond) at
Keep hanging in there!
10-27-2010, 06:16 PM |