Posts: 1
Joined: Sep 2010
Hello! - Super glad to find this forum.
Hi everyone,
I am mom to Sam, who is four years old. Sam was diagnosed with SPD about eight months ago. He receives OT through the school system for a half hour a week. I joined this site because I would like to learn more about the disorder and how I can help him. I also would like some support from other parents who are going through the same thing.
We've really struggled with Sam's behavior over the past couple years and, the more I've read lately, the more I realize that it's related to SPD. I had an epiphany about a week ago and I finally realized that I needed to radically change the way I was parenting. I hope to learn things from other parents to help me parent Sam in the way he needs me to.
On a lighter note, we are a musical family - I play the violin. Sam has perfect pitch and loves to sing Karaoke in our living room
09-26-2010, 11:15 PM |
Posts: 218
Joined: Jun 2010
RE: Hello! - Super glad to find this forum.
Oh, oh, a karaoke baby!  I'll bet things that are off-pitch drive him just as nuts as they do me! lol
I'm glad that you're taking the approach you are to the situation. It is hard, to realize that what you are giving your child isn't helping him as much as you want. It takes a strong and wonderful parent to be willing to learn different tactics to help their child. Don't worry if you don't get it exactly the way you want it. That amount of love is hard to hide, and he'll forgive the bumps as you work it out. Just knowing that the parent cares enough to try to understand is a huge gift. Trust me; I didn't get it until later on, and my appreciation is something I can't describe.
I'd love to hear more about what Sam is like, like what kind of sensory issues he has and how they show up. There are so many different ways that SPD affects people, that it makes a huge difference as to how one approaches things. I am, for instance, extremely sensitive to many things, but my sense of balance (vestibular) and my hearing are the most defensive. I don't have perfect pitch, but my relational pitch is so good that I have to relearn a song almost from scratch if they change the key.  And there are others who have completely different gifts (and burdens) brought by SPD. Plus, I'd love to hear more about you! I truly admire anyone who has the patience to learn the violin. There were Suzuki kids in my undergrad constantly. Enough said. :lol:
Looking forward to hearing more from you!
09-27-2010, 12:23 AM |