Posts: 6
Joined: Dec 2013
I hope that you are able to find out what is going on so you can know how to get help.
The easiest way to explain hyperacousis is sound sensitivity. My hearing is better than normal but the sound actually hurts. Sounds that people hear normal are amplified for me. For me there are certain pitches that literally make me physically ill (headache/vomit). For example, some female voices and the hum from air condition at supermarkets. I tried to buy some headphones that blocked out loud noises and it helped but as soon as I took them off my reactions were worse. I decided to go to an audiologist to see if there was anything that could be done to help me. I thought maybe it was mental because that was what doctors told me. But after testing me she showed me the numbers and described all of the situations that would be difficult me to hear. Then she started asking other sensory questions and ... the tears started coming because I never talk about how I feel.
I felt like I was going crazy and doctors were pretty much telling me that it is in my head and trying to put me back on antisiezure/antidepressant/ antianxiety/moodstabilizers.
The person who is doing my testing is a psychologist who is doing a neuropsychological battery. She screens for Autism Spectrum Disorders and Sensory Processing Disorders in children and adults. The audiologist referred me to her. She said she is pretty sure it is SPD but cant tell me definite until she looks at the test results. I think it is closely related to psychological things just because we don't understand the brain enough to know that everything is connected both biological and physiological. If our brain tells our organs how to work then it has to be related. The problem is when they it is all one organ or another and don't consider that it our brain is part of our body too. Not just what they call "psychology". ... okay I am babbling loosing focus
I have to come back and answer the other part about short circuit later because I am settling down from having an episode and don't want to restart it with everything that comes with typing here.
12-30-2013, 06:17 PM |