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Posts: 115
Joined: Oct 2010
Hey all. :3 D1G1T (i'm going to end up butchering your screename all the time, my fingers don't like to hit shift/caps lock often..) referred me here after a night of us two talking on IRC in a different channel we both hang in. We went back and forth about "quirks" that annoyed me about myself, things I do but can't control or can't fix. he kept bringing up SPD, and linked me to this forum, so i decided to poke around a bit.
after a bit of reading around, i gotta say that i'm surprised at how many of these things everyone experiences , i go through too. the need for really loud, heavy music to feel complete, certain clothes not feeling "right" because they're too stiff or rough, and many other things. while i don't know if i actually do have spd or not, i definitely show some traits about it and i'm curious to see more. it may be the missing link to all these pieces of other disorders that i have but could never actually put together. ^^;
well, a bit about me. Im' 19, currently in college taking my pre-reqs, but going to go into Nursing once these are done. I'm struggling a little just because of my concentration (or lack thereof), but i'm working on it. I graduated high school 2 yrs ago and took a break because i was tired of being exhausted physically and emotionally at the end of the day, every day. i'd come home and i'd want to just either yell, cry, or pass out. the actual school work was mostly boring, except for certain thigns like math that i just could not understand no matter what. i couldn't focus on it, i'd work on one math problem and i'd take up a whole sheet of paper for it, which angered my teacher for "wasting" paper. thankfully now i'm with a nice college prof who understands me a bit more so school is going well :3
i dunno what else to really say. I think I'm dysgraphic, and ADD, but i lack the money and knowledge on how to go about getting tested for any of this stuff. :/ I also have a really annoying tic that's lasted me for years, which again I can't fix. xD; right now im' sitting in my school's computer lab and having a h ard time typing because i'm cold, so excuse typos please. X3
anyway i should get back to doing my homework and stuff. *grumble* i'll be back later to check up on stuffs. :3 this looks like a very helpful forum, and i'm glad to have found it finally.
<Mako>I see one sila caring loving girl whos a lil shy + scared on the inside but has a giant heart ^-^

Highly suspected/Being evaluated for: ADHD & Autism.
Also have SPD, GAD, and an annoying speech impediment.
10-13-2010, 10:48 AM |