Posts: 67
Joined: Mar 2013
Hang in there, and lean on your sister (well done to her for listening to you!)
I'm also relatively new to this, my 6 year old son was only diagnosed in November last year. So not sure how much use my advice will be, but here goes:
Keep reading and take what you find to your parents. Print the SPD checklists and ask your parents if you ever displayed any of the signs when you were smaller - did you cry a lot? Have reflux? or "colic"? did you not sleep well? Were you on target or delayed with your milestones? Did you throw "tantrums" often and keep doing so later than 'usual'? Did you refuse to wear some clothes or insist your parents cut all the labels out? Did you want everything to be really tight? Were you classed as hyperactive or aggressive or refuse to play on the jungle jims/ with other kids - or wouldn't get off the playground equipment? Did you love to spin or be upside down - or alternatively can't stand these things? Do you get motion sickness? Were you/are you a very picky eater - can you just not handle certain textures, temperatures, flavours?
they say *most* children have sensory issues of some kind - BUT and it's a big BUT - if it is interfering with everyday life in any area - at school, at home, wherever, then you need help, and most often that's through an OT.
If playdough works for you, use it! Do whatever you can to help yourself cope, especially if your parents aren't on board.
But keep trying. Also - can you approach a school counsellor and ask for advice? Or ask for a doctor's appointment and ask if they will refer you for an assessment? I'm not sure if your parents will let you talk to the doctor alone and if the doctor can refer you without your parents consent?
Good luck!
03-25-2013, 07:03 AM |