Posts: 342
Joined: Jun 2010
RE: The House Party (SPD social interaction analogy)
I throw parties often. Board Gaming parties. My house is large enough to have 30 different people playing games at once. Usually I keep the parties to 8-14 people.
My house is set up to be sensory comforting to me and no one is allowed to bring food that will trigger my food allergies.
I am a Neurotypical who specifically tries to find as many Unique individuals as possible and befriend them. I find that they make good friends.
I have been shut out of the "Normal" groups all my life, which is why starting at 8 years old I started building my own groups. The only place it really became a problem was in the work place when I ran into people who hate the disabled and are out to remove them from the work place. Since these same people were often in positions of power it meant that I was rarely one of those that got invited to work socializing events where most of the professional upward mobility happened. When I realized I was being shut out I tried to "force" invites for myself, but that just made those in power more irritated with me.
So I just content myself with those who like my company and are willing to accommodate my other Unique friends, for many of us have different accommodations that are necessary for us to function in a group setting.
If you are willing to accommodate others, they are more willing to accommodate you.
For example: I always ask my guests if they have any allergies or other health problems that we need to be aware of so that we don't cause them a problem. We also let people know we have a Handicap ramp into the house for those who need it through the garage. By showing a willingness to cooperate upfront, the guests are more willing to accommodate the house rules about what kind of foods and items are allowed in the house. This allows me a much higher chance at having a successful party for me and the attendees.
I rarely have the stereotypical party of wine, dance, and loud music. Mostly because my senses wouldn't be able to tolerate a large number of people doing that in my house. So I adjusted what defines a party to fit my personal needs and available guests.
09-17-2010, 02:42 AM |