Posts: 27
Joined: Mar 2012
mum of "the worst child in the school"
I'm Cheryl and my son is Owen, hes 7 this year and just been diagnosed with SPD alongside his dyspraxia and possibly has Newsons too. We live in Malvern in the UK.
We've heard it all - "hes just naughty", "hes doing it on purpose", "he doesnt need intervention he needs to learn to deal with the world", "next time it's permanent exclusion". We've been called to "retrieve" him from school within half an hour of him arriving there, with him screaming behind a cupboard and 4 members of staff containing him!
We're currently on his second primary school, hes been excluded more times than I can count and has spent most of the last 2 years on a part time basis at school. Hes currently in for an hour a day and half the time doesnt even manage that. He has specialist conductive therapy 1 morning per week, the staff there have been fantastic with him and hes so happy when we are there Am currently fighting to get him permanently placed in an environment better suited to his needs. It would be interesting to hear if any of your children have got places at specialist schools and how it has helped them or what things have helped them if they are still in a mainstream classroom.
Think the biggest thing at the minute is trying to get school to understand. Even after having 2 1/2 hours meeting this week with EP, OT, CCD, CAMHS and behaviour team school STILL were saying how will movement breaks help him, why would noise affect his behaviour, how will a sensory diet make a difference.... if I as a parent can understand what the OT is saying about sensory overload and how it will help him to give him planned sensry activities throughout the day why cant trained professionals "get" it. To be honest it seems like they just dont care and all they want is a child that conforms and fits in their box.
Well I've started reading, Out of sync child and Sens-sational kids for starters. And I'll begin reading through posts on her, hopefully learn from tried and tested strategies that you all use.
03-01-2012, 06:28 AM |