When lots of things happen at once... - Rinne - 09-15-2013
This past month has been:
-Work open day, very early start, lost sleep, on the go all day, minimal breaks, and absolutely no time to do anything to help me cope.
-lost more sleep that week due to going out to the theatre
-long drive (3.5 hours)
-a week of doctors/dentists/etc. appointments. Dentist in particular was incredibly sensory taxing. Lost sleep.
-bridesmaid in a wedding. Lost sleep, sensory taxing. (AND AN AMAZING DAY)
-back to work dealing with school groups.
I'm still getting overloaded so easily, two weeks back at work and I still haven't settled down (doing brushing, etc.). Is this something that other people find? That it can take a couple of weeks to settle back down?