Introduction - Hartley Steiner - 06-02-2010
Hi --
I found your site through Carrie Fannin and thought I would take a minute to introduce myself! I am the mom to three boys, my oldest has SPD (and more), my middle son has tactile defensiveness (won't eat anything but peanut butter) and my youngest has borderline SPD. I am also the author of the SPD book This is Gabriel Making Sense of School and blog the chaos of my life at Hartley's Life With 3 Boys ( I look forward to being a part of your community! Thanks for having me -- and thanks to Carrie for referring me! : )
RE: Introduction - Dani - 06-02-2010
Hey, it's Hartley !
It's Dan. Great to see you here. I've known about you for some time now. You're a great resource for the SPD community there, yourself. Any chance I could get you to post your "You may be a parent of an SPD child if..." jokes? Those were classic. I hope you enjoy your time on here. I'm trying to set up a nice, cozy home where people can meet and get to know each other . I hope it works; seems to be so far!
Feel free to post around so we can all get to know each other better.