Strobe sensitivity. What can I do? Where can I get help? - Ananiujitha - 10-13-2016
I am struggling with a worsening strobe sensitivity.
I have terrible migraines together with the sensory sensitivities.
I have already seen a neurologist, who was perplexed, and had an eeg, which ruled out classic photosensitive epilepsy.
Low-frequency strobes, such as turn signals and other safety-weapons, hurt me, screw up my eyesight, screw up my balance, screw up my sense of direction, sometimes cause me to stumble into the street, and sometimes trigger my migraines. I was hit by a car last June, while crossing the street at one of the more accessible crosswalks.
I have sunglasses to wear when going outside. I avoid busy intersections, and cross the street elsewhere.
I also have hyperacusis and have ear plugs and ear protectors to wear when going outside or when being hit.
I strongly suspect a salicylate sensitivity, and cutting back, switching meds, etc. may be helping with the hyperacusis. or maybe not.
RE: Strobe sensitivity. What can I do? Where can I get help? - Ananiujitha - 10-22-2016
I got badly strobed thursday morning, before dawn. I was in agony all thursday. I am still in pain today, with vomiting. Does anyone know of any resources on multi-day effects of strobe lights?
RE: Strobe sensitivity. What can I do? Where can I get help? - Ananiujitha - 08-25-2017
I got briefly but intensely strobed tonight, triggering another severe migraine. strobes are violence.