Anyone else get dangerously disoriented by flashing lights? - Ananiujitha - 06-13-2016
I wear sunglasses when going outside, and try to shield my eyes from flashing lights, but I keep ending up in the street after being hit by turn signals, and have had two seizures after being hit by other flashing lights.
I don't have photosensitive epilepsy, so I suspect the Bucha effect or flicker vertigo which is known to cause helicopter crashes.
Regardless of the cause, turn signals are extremely dangerous for me.
RE: Anyone else get dangerously disoriented by flashing lights? - Jmelda1 - 06-16-2016
I can get dangerously disoriented sometimes with very bad flashing lights. I often end up needing to close my eyes and have someone else lead me out of the place.
But once it got really scary during a fire drill in my college dorm. I got so disoriented that I couldn't find an exit and ended up wandering until I saw someone else go out a door right next to and so followed them.
I don't have it as nearly as bad as you do though, and I'm okay with turn signals.
I'm learning how to use a mobility cane (the type that the blind use) to get around when vision is just too much and I found myself alone.
RE: Anyone else get dangerously disoriented by flashing lights? - Ananiujitha - 08-15-2016
I think I may have salicylate intolerance and/or salicylate build-up, damaging my vestibular system, forcing me to compensate with my visual system. So when flashing lights scramble my vsual system, I can't compensate.
This seems to discuss a similar problem: