Hello! - wolf_sounds - 09-23-2015
Hi! I joined this forum in hopes that I can find new and exciting ideas to use with my nearly-4-year-old with SPD (a very hyper seeker). Right now, we're going through a tough time together, as her outbursts have gotten violent and she has become more defiant. She shows no interest in potty training and any sort of scheduled potty break ends in me receiving a couple bruises from her. I'm also the proud parent of a child that has made her preschool teacher cry....and it was only her 2nd week of school (I need to make that into a bumper sticker). ::eye roll::
She was receiving OT up until her 3rd birthday, but then the county determined she was not "disabled" enough to continue, so I've had to figure out new ways to make it through our days on my own for the last year. It's been hit and miss. Mostly miss. I'm sure I echo what many of you feel when I say that by the end of the day I'm exhausted, depressed, feel like a bad mom, etc.
So yeah, that's my bit. Hope to get to know you guys better! Thanks for reading!